What We Do


We train "Europeanisers of public discourse" to the highest professional standards.


We reach out to the widest possible audience by acting at the same time across Europe.


We give a European dimension to the public discourse of existing national initiatives.


We increase resonance by embedding European references within national public spheres.


We put our skills at the service of European democracy, its citizens and its civil society.


We support initiatives bringing about systemic, long-term and strcutural change in Europe.

What They Say

" We face the same challenges. Europeans help us sharing the solutions. "

Luisa C.

Civil rights activist from Italy

" Europeans did not know it was impossible. So they did it. "

Marie V.

Visual artist from France

" Europeans acts in sync across the continent but can adjust its approach to suit national cultural specificities. "

Juan J.

Social media influencer from Spain

" Europeans help people finding their voice. And they seem to have a blast in the process. "

Daniel P.

Community organiser from Germany.

About You

Where others see problems, you see opportunities.
Are output oriented and feel comfortable with uncertainty.
And do not wait for things to happen. You make them happen.

About You Image

About Us

We have fun working together.
Always move fast and break things.
And never settle but for the highest quality.

About Us Image


Headquarter (in Tallinn, capital of E-stonia).


Hubs (Barcelona, Berlin, Milano and Paris).


Full-time, part-time and volunteers across Europe.


Civil society organisations as part of our network.


Supporters and partners across Europe.


Selected contacts in our database for outreach.

Become a changemaker

Fundraiser, recruiter, activist or outreacher.
We will train and support you.
Join others from your city and across Europe.
Have fun, learn new skills, and have an impact.

Become an advisor

Tell us what you are incredibly good at.
Leave us your contact details.
We could do with your advice and expertise.
We’ll be in touch when the time comes.

Become a benefactor

We need the cash to finance this initiative. And to pay the brilliant people working in it. One off or a regular contribution. Big or small: we are always thankful.

How we do it

We are very careful to choose which initiatives we engage with and we will always go through a series of key steps as part of our work process. We will employ our resources only if we think that we are in a position to bring a significant added value. And under no circumstances we will compromise on our core values.



If and how we could support a call for progressive change.



A plan of action together with relevant stakeholders.



Our approach to tailor it specifically for the task at hand.



Synchronised pan-European campaigns with our partners.

You keep doing what you are the best at.
We will help you europeanising it.

What we support


  • At the European Level.
  • Beyond the nation-state.
  • By, with and for the people.


  • Systemic.
  • Structural.
  • Long-term.


  • Integration.
  • Unity in diversity.
  • Constructive criticism.


  • Social.
  • Across borders.
  • For the last ones to come first.


  • Grassroots.
  • Erasmus Generation.
  • Direct civic engagement.


  • Fair.
  • Green.
  • Sustainable.

Get in touch to discover if we can work together and how we might be able to help

Get in touch